About the Journal

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development is a double -blind peer reviewed international journal. The frequency would be quarterly  from 2021. It deals with all aspects of Public Health including Community Medicine, Public Health, Epidemiology, Occupational Health, Environmental Hazards, Clinical Research including clinical biochemistry  and Public Health Laws and covers all medical specialties concerned with research and development for the masses. The journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within Indian continent and South East Asia.

The journal has been assigned International Standards Serial Number (ISSN)Print ISSN: 0976-0245, Online ISSN: 0976-5506. It is also brought to notice that the journal is being indexed / abstracted with many international databases.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Scope of the Journal

  • Epidemiology: Study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in populations.
  • Health Promotion and Education: Strategies and interventions aimed at improving health behaviors and promoting wellness.
  • Disease Prevention: Research and practices focused on preventing the occurrence or progression of diseases.
  • Health Policy and Management: Examination of policies, systems, and management approaches that impact public health.
  • Global Health: Issues and initiatives that have a global impact on health, addressing health disparities, and promoting health equity worldwide.
  • Environmental Health: Exploration of the relationships between human health and the environment, including exposure to pollutants and the impact of climate change.
  • Social Determinants of Health: Understanding how social, economic, and environmental factors influence health outcomes.
  • Health Equity: Efforts to reduce health disparities and ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to attain their highest level of health.
  • Infectious Disease Control: Strategies for the prevention, detection, and management of infectious diseases.
  • Non-Communicable Diseases: Epidemiology, prevention and health promotion, risk factors and determinants, health policies, social determinants, healthcare systems and management, surveillance and monitoring, impact on mental health, interventions, environmental influences and innovative technologies in NCD management.
  • Occupational Health: Consideration of health and safety issues in the workplace.

Aims of the Journal

The editorial board recognizes the critical need for increased research on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and oral cancer, infectious diseases, preventive medicine, and the social determinants of public health in developing nations. We are dedicated to fostering research in these crucial areas, with a special focus on regions including Asia, the SAARC countries, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Our commitment aims to bridge the research gap and promote a healthier future for these communities

IJPHRD serves as a platform for the dissemination of research, information, and perspectives related to public health. The aims of IJPHRD are multifaceted and include:

  1. Knowledge Dissemination: To disseminate new and relevant knowledge, research findings, and advancements in the field of public health. This may include original research articles, reviews, and commentaries.
  2. Promotion of Evidence-Based Practice: To promote the use of evidence-based practices in public health interventions, policies, and programs. This involves sharing research that can inform and guide public health decision-making.
  3. Educational Outreach: To contribute to the education of professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the general public in the area of public health. Journals may publish articles that are accessible to a broad audience, fostering a better understanding of public health issues.
  4. Policy Influence: To influence public health policy by providing evidence and insights that can inform the development and implementation of effective public health policies and interventions.
  5. Global Health Equity: To address global health challenges and promote equity in health outcomes. Journals may focus on research that explores health disparities, social determinants of health, and interventions to improve health equity.
  6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: To foster interdisciplinary collaboration by publishing research that spans various disciplines within public health, including epidemiology, health policy, environmental health, infectious diseases, and more.
  7. Peer Review and Quality Assurance: To uphold the standards of scientific research by subjecting submitted manuscripts to a rigorous peer-review process. This ensures the quality, validity, and reliability of published information.
  8. Professional Development: To contribute to the professional development of researchers,practitioners, and students in the field of public health by providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences.
  9. Professional Development: To contribute to the professional development of researchers,practitioners, and students in the field of public health by providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences.
  10. Community Engagement: To engage with the public and community stakeholders, promoting awareness and understanding of public health issues, and facilitating community-based participatory research.


  • Researchers and Academics: Scholars and researchers in the field of public health seeking to share and access the latest research findings.
  • Practitioners: Public health professionals, healthcare practitioners, and policymakers looking for evidence-based practices and information to inform their work.
  • Students: Students pursuing degrees in public health, medicine, nursing, and related fields,seeking knowledge and insights to support their studies.
  • Policy Makers: Individuals involved in the development and implementation of public health policies at local, national, and international levels.
  • Advocates and Activists: Those working to address health disparities, promote health equity, and advocate for public health initiatives.
  • Global Health Organizations: Entities involved in global health initiatives, including NGOs,international organizations, and governmental agencies.

Type of Articles

We welcome a diverse range of manuscript types for publication, including:

  • Original Research: Studies presenting new and original findings in public health.
  • Review Papers: Comprehensive analyses of existing research on specific public health topics.
  • Case Reports: Detailed reports of individual or group cases providing unique insights.
  • Case Studies: In-depth examinations of specific public health scenarios or interventions.
  • Research Protocols: Detailed plans and methodologies for proposed or ongoing research studies.
  • Epidemiological Studies: Research investigating the distribution, determinants, and control of health and disease conditions in populations.
  • Commentaries and Editorials: Rigorous and well-substantiated opinions and analyses on current public health issues.
  • Book Reviews: Critical evaluations of books that contribute to the scholarly discourse within the field of public health.
  • Systematic Reviews: Structured reviews that follow a specific methodology to synthesize existing research.
  • Meta-Analyses: Quantitative analyses that combine data from multiple studies to derive overall conclusions.
  • Letters to the Editor: Thoughtful and concise discussions or critiques of recently published articles.
  • Brief Reports: Short communications of preliminary findings or novel methodologies.
  • Technical Notes: Descriptions of new techniques, tools, or methodologies relevant to public health research and practice.

Please note that we do not publish standalone survey results. Submissions should include a clear research hypothesis and conclusive findings. Each submission should uphold the highest standards of ethical research and contribute to advancing knowledge and practice in public health.

Publication Schedule

IJPHRD maintains a quarterly publication schedule, releasing four issues per year consistently since its inception. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts at any time, knowing that our journal is committed to timely and regular publication.

Important Information

Manuscript Submission fee - There is no fee for manuscript submission. Manuscript can be submitted any time. Submission is always open
Manuscript Processing Charges- We charge for manuscript processing from authors. Authors must pay charges only if the article is accepted for publication. The charges are per article. If some author does not want to pay, he can withdraw his article.

The charges are as follows
1. India and SAARC countries- Indian Rupees 5000/-
2. Rest of world - US $ 200

Archiving Policy

IJPHRD became an Open Access journal in 2020. All issues post 2020 are archived into repositories such as PKP PN (Public Knowledge Project), LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, Crossref and EBSCO(Host) and Journal websites(IJPHRD and OJS)

Authors seeking full-length articles, abstracts, reference lists, or citation information for specific articles, not accessible on databases like EMBASE, Google Scholar or EBSCO(Host), are encouraged to contact the editorial office at [email protected]. We are pleased to offer these supplementary materials free of charge.

IJPHRD maintains all versions of submitted manuscripts in its database. The versions are maintained either on email, HDD format or within the OJS system

Self-archiving: Authors are permitted to self-archive the accepted and pre-published versions of their articles on personal websites or deposit it in any repository. Post publication, when posting any version of the manuscript, proper acknowledgment to the original source of publication is required and a link to the published article on the journal's website must be inserted. The link should include the DOI number in the following format:"The final publication is available at link.journalsite.com via https://dx.doi.org/(insert DOI and remove brackets)". There are no embargoes associated with any version of the manuscript.

Previous versions of the article on non-commercial pre-print servers, such as SSRN may be retained or updated with the author's accepted version. However, post publication, authors must acknowledge the final publication and provide a link to the article on the journal's website, including the DOI number in the sentence:The final publication is available at Journal Name, via https://dx.doi.org/(insert DOI and remove brackets).

The copyright and licensing policy for the Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development (IJPHRD) are as follows:

  1. Copyright Ownership:Authors retain copyright ownership of their work after publication in IJPHRD. However, they grant the journal an exclusive Creative Commons license.
  2. Creative Commons License: Creative Commons License: The authors grant IJPHRD the right to exclusively apply a Creative Commons license to their work upon publication. This license permits use, distribution, and reproduction of the work in any medium, provided that the original work and it's source are properly cited. The specific license applied is https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc/4.0/deed.en which allows for attribution, non-commercial use, and derivative works.
  3. Editorial Research:Authors grant the journal the right to analyze information obtained from submitted manuscripts for editorial research purposes. This analysis aims to improve the peer-review process, teaching, and training activities.
  4. Warranties:Authors warrant that their work is original, contains no libellous statements, is lawful, and does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of others. Authors agree to indemnify the editors against any costs, expenses, and damages arising from any breach of this warranty.
  5. Views and Opinions: The views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the journal.

Revenue Sources

  1. Print Copies: We provide hard copies of the journal to colleges and universities.
  2. Author Publishing Charges: Reasonable publication fees are charged only upon acceptance of the article for publication. There are no charges for manuscript submission.
  3. Advertising and Sponsorship: For advertising inquiries, please contact the editorial office at [email protected]. Our advertising policy can be accessed here.