Study on Assessment of Self-Care Practices in Patients of Non Communicable Diseases in Aligarh


  • Ambika Saraswat
  • Uzma Eram
  • Salman Shah
  • Anees Ahmad



: self care practices, non communicable diseases, monitoring, maintenance


Self care involves all decisions which individuals, families,take for their own health particularly their own physical
and mental well being. Staying fit, exercising, avoiding hazardous behavior etc. will all compound to self care. The
aim of this study is to find the prevalence of self care practices in patients of Diabetes. A cross sectional study was
done in registered villages of Rural Health Training Centre and 316 population was covered. All patients of the
selected non communicable diseases above 18 years of age were selected who gave their consent. Self care practice
assessment was done by including: Diabetes specific section including SDSCA measure - Summary of Diabetes
Self- Care Activities Questionnaire. The findings showed that the prevalence of self-care practices in patients of
diabetes was not very high. Slightly more than 50% diabetics were following good levels of self-care practices.
Individual levels of self-care practices like medication, physical activity/ exercise, adequate diet, risky behaviours
of tobacco intake and alcohol consumption, monitoring blood pressure/ blood sugar/ symptoms of COPD, weight
management etc. showed varied prevalence. Mostly the patients with any non-communicable disease were found
adherent to their medications. In patients of diabetes; age group, presently attending any health facility for disease
management and receiving health care provider’s advice for lifestyle modifications were associated significantly
with self-care practices

Author Biographies

  • Ambika Saraswat

    MD, Department of Community Medicine, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh

  • Uzma Eram

    Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, JNMedical College, AMU, Aligarh.

  • Salman Shah

    Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh

  • Anees Ahmad

    Professor, Department of Community Medicine, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh.




How to Cite

Study on Assessment of Self-Care Practices in Patients of Non Communicable Diseases in Aligarh. (2022). Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 14(1), 14-21.